
Career Navigator 9: Career Pathways and Facilitating Student Goal Setting - SELF-PACED



Full course description

This is a self-paced, asynchronous course. Career pathways are series of structured and connected educational programs, employment experiences and support services that enable students to advance over time to better jobs and higher levels of education and training. They are roadmaps for an individual to reach their ideal career from where they are by mapping related educational and work experiences as steps that build on one another. Facilitating effective long-term and short-term goal setting that focuses on appropriate career pathways is a crucial responsibility of a Career Navigator’s role. This course will focus on best practices to develop student career pathways and facilitate effective goal setting. Navigators must work with students to integrate all the information collected throughout the career coaching process including student information, assessment results, occupational information, labor market data and educational opportunities. Trainees will practice skills needed to work with students to ensure that they are developing career pathway-focused goals that include a clear sequence of education coursework, stackable, employer-recognized credentials, and employment opportunities. The goal of focusing on a career pathway model is to increase students educational and skills attainment while improving employment performance outcomes and meeting the needs of the local employers. This course aligns with the Career Pathways Competency from the Career Navigator Core Competency framework.

Target Audience:

Adult Education Career Navigators and professionals who will be providing career and academic coaching services to adult education students.

Learning Objectives:

By the completion of this professional development offering, trainees should be able to:

• Define key terminology:

o Career pathway

o Credentials

o Stackability

• Explain the difference between career ladders and career lattices

• Discuss the benefits of credential stacking for student career success

• Summarize how employment outlooks impact high demand career pathways 

• Summarize S.M.A.R.T. goal setting method

• Discuss short- and long-term goal setting best practices

• Analyze how each step of the 3-I Process of Career Coaching contributes to effective career pathway development and student goal setting.

• Describe important components of an Individual Career Plan

• Describe and analyze how transferable skills guide appropriate exit and entry points in career pathways

• Create sample career pathways

• Develop effective long-term and short-term education and career goals

• Discuss ways to assist students overcome obstacles to goal setting

• Demonstrate effective career pathway mapping

Duration: 6 hours (asynchronous instruction)

After meeting the requirements of this course, participants may be eligible to receive 6 hours of Continuing Education (SCECH) Credits that will fulfill the state licensure requirement for either teachers or counselors.

NOTE: After enrolling in this course, click here for easy access to the Keywe login screen, where you can login and access this course.

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